Insight into a career journey

We've built a network of local employers and professionals who are passionate about supporting schools in the area and do so by sharing their career journeys. These guest speakers give students the chance to hear about many different careers, industries and employment opportunities.

Our Industry Guest Speakers are tailored to suit the unique needs of your school and students. We are experienced in delivering Industry Guest Speaker programs in a variety of formats including large scale offsite multi-school programs, individual school and online delivery options.


83% of students agreed or strongly agreed that the Industry Guest Speaker provided helpful information and resources


Source: School feedback survey to mmvllen industry guest speaker event, Department of Education and Training portal

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was an industry guest speaker presenting infecion control to Allied Health students. I was able to share my knowledge and experiences with aspiring students. The students were well engaged, asked many questions and hopefully I was able to inspire some to consider a career in nursing.
— Nurse, Guest speaker
Thank you so much mmvllen for organising such a fantastic session. Our guest speaker was exactly what we needed and was so inspirational. All of our students that tuned in to the talk had questions to ask, which were so well responded to.
— Caroline Chisholm Catholic College

Get in touch

Schools - Let us know if your school would like to request an Industry Guest Speaker.

Volunteers - If you're a local employer or professional and would like to share your professional journey, let's get started!